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The Virtual Plant Medicine Retreat


Plant medicine healing with the use of substances like ayahuasca, san pedro, iboga and psyilocybin has become more mainstream in the past decade, perhaps out of a need for us to awaken to our higher consciousness in response to the global crises we are facing.

I created this course (which does not involve the use of physical substances) from a desire to offer the benefits of plant medicine healing and shamanic journeying in a simple, powerful way to those who either don’t have access to plant medicines or may feel unsure about using them.


There are so many unhelpful beliefs and concepts about God that it’s no wonder many struggle with the word itself and don’t feel a supportive connection to a higher power. In this lesson we use EFT tapping to address issues that arise when we feel let down by and disconnected from “God.” We’ll explore how challenging it can be to have faith and trust in a higher power when our prayers go unanswered and our needs go unmet. This Reboot will help call forth your own experience of connection with Source, so that it may become a presence you can sense, ground into and draw on for support. In Lesson Two we’ll clear your heart space to further nurture this connection with Source in preparation for the plant medicine journey in Lesson Three.

(If you’re new to EFT tapping, please listen to Susannah’s quick Tapping Basics for Beginners audio and watch the tapping points video before embarking on Lesson One.)

Like clutter clearing your home to bring in fresh energy, this guided meditation helps to clear your heart space so that it becomes a sanctuary for you to experience greater peace, love and presence. We’ll identify upset and trauma that may be weighing heavily on your heart and clear stuck energies associated with grief, pain, disappointment and un-forgiveness. You’ll be guided into heart coherence to support overall wellbeing and enhance your experience of Lesson Three.

You’ll prepare for this sacred ceremony by setting an intention for the help and guidance you’d like to call in. You can focus on any area of your life, such as relationship, work, finances, health, creativity, etc. You will be guided into “non-ordinary reality” to take part in a sacred ceremony and connect with the spirit of plant medicines prepared specifically for you. You’ll be offered healing and have several minutes without instruction to ask questions and receive answers. The journey ends with your being guided gently back to ordinary reality and invited to note your findings.


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